The Journey So Far...

The Journey So Far...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 240

This is going to be rather short! It is late and I am tired!

I went to the gym again today and I have plans to go tomorrow. I went early like I said I would and you know what? It was a lot better than going late at night. I felt like I had the rest of the night to do the things I needed to do and I did not feel rushed and frustrated.

On the other hand my food was out of control today. I ate dinner out with my brother and some friends and I went over my points for the day.

Something that I have learned? I'm not going to succeed if I do not start strict tracking again. Before my laptop broke I was tracking on that, which was making me lax. Now that I don't have that at the moment I totally lost it! So tomorrow I will drag out the old marble copy book and get back down to business.


LovelyMarie said...

I too, find it easier to go in the morning. Less ppl in the gym, in my case and lots of energy that stretches throughout the day!

financecupcake said...

I am so proud of you for making the gym a priority again! Your scheduling sounds like it's working. Food tracking is SO important. It makes or breaks my weight loss. It sounds like you are re-focusing. Good for you :)

Retta said...

I agree, tracking (for me, calories) is a make it or break it for me, too. I'm glad you are evaluating, and finding what works for YOU. Progress!