The Journey So Far...

The Journey So Far...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 235, 236, 237

This is going to be short, which I know isnt fair since I missed 3 days of posts. Especially considering the nature of the last post. Tomorrows post for the challenge will be much longer and there will be some explanation for all the missed days and then finally somehow with or without ritual I will put the last few months (even with the downward trend still in existence) behind me.

Over the next week, while whipping my life back into order and taking some very, very important me time (WHILE going to the gym) I am going to revisit my older posts, and my misplaced passion. My goal for the week, in addition to meeting my goals for the Spring Challenge, is to post about one important thing I have learned so far each day for seven days. I'm going to call it the Re-invigoration Challenge... It's a one week thing to get myself re-motivated and rededicated. You know, like spirit week when you were in high school where you painted yourself in school colors and spent the week extolling the greatness of your academy. I'm going to "paint" myself in positivity for the week.

We have some financial issues right now, among other stresses and so it isn't going to be easy, but at some point I have to adapt and cope through sheer force of will because I will not give up.


Mr.s Gokey said...

I know you can do this! Keep up the motivation!! I need it too!! LOL

M @ The Woes and Throes said...

This phase you are going through will not last forever. I think it's a very good idea to revisit older posts and remind yourself of just how far you've come. I suppose a healthy lifestyle is like anything else in life...there's going to be some great days, some good days, and some bad ones.

financecupcake said...

Misplaced passion? This sounds like serious thinking indeed. BIG HUGS! I love the idea of the re-invigoration challenge.