The Journey So Far...

The Journey So Far...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 4

Today has been trying to say the least. My husband and I stayed active all day and we will be able to get back on track sleeping wise to say the least.

This is going to be a short entry tonight guys because I don't have much to say! I spent the day out of the house running from place to place.

We did not go to the gym today, and I am choosing to think of this as positive. I have been every day this week so far (including Sunday) and I will be going again tomorrow. The only other day that might be missed is Friday because of scheduling and being out of town. I am choosing to think of this as a day of rest, which I think I needed. My whole body is sore and though if I wasn't tired tonight I would have gone anyway, I am pretty sure I needed it. So switching from negative to positive thinking. Or trying to. I need to stop getting so hung up on what I think this journey is supposed to be like. It's different for everyone and it wont even be the same as last time. The only thing I am certain of is that it's going to be hard work!

I felt stronger of will last time, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. The work outs are easier for me this time than the food portion is, which is the opposite of last time. But, like last time I do expect myself to eventually come around to being comfortable with both of those parts of this thing. Going back to meetings will be pivotal I imagine.

I can do this, I just need to remember that it doesn't have to be perfect, especially not yet. I need to keep going and working on my habits and my mind set. I will find the sweet spot!!

3 comments: said...

I need to do more gym workouts. I live in a high-rise apartment building, and the owners have done a major renovation that included a new fitness center with lots of high-tech professional-quality equipment.

The new fitness center doesn't cost me anything, and I don't even have to leave the building to get to it.

Now I don't have any excuse for not exercising.

Dang. Maybe I'll move.

financecupcake said...

Ruby, you are off to a fantastic start! I remember how much you exercise. Have you ever considered how amazing you and the amount of exercise you do are? Good for you for being wise enough to take a rest day when your body needs it.

I am so, so happy to see you back here. :)

Retta said...

" I need to stop getting so hung up on what I think this journey is supposed to be like. It's different for everyone and it wont even be the same as last time."

This is great insight! I know you'll hit your stride soon, you have a wonderful and positive attitude. :-)