The Journey So Far...

The Journey So Far...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 13

I don't have the energy to make this very long. I have a feeling over the next week or two my posts are going to be short, but I promise to update every day. My grandfather, who raised me, died very suddenly today without any warning. I have so much grief right now I feel like I'm going to throw up. So, please bare with me for a bit here.

My weigh in today: I lost 6.8lbs

1/2 bag ww pizza pretzels: 1pts
1/2 bag fit active cookies: 1pts
2 slices peperoni pizza: 15 pts
1 slice cheese pizza: 5 pts
1 serving sw baked ziti: 5pts
Total for the Day: 27/44pts
Leftover: 17pts

I know, pizza and 17 points are left, but you know, I didn't over eat, and I managed to keep down what I did eat and that is enough for me for the day.


Retta said...

I am so sorry...please do what is right for YOU, and don't feel pressured to blog, unless it will help you.

Scarlet Simple said...

Thank you so much for that. Blogging helps me to be accountable for myself on a day to day basis. I feel like I need that little wake up call at the end of the day more than ever right now.

Thanks so much,